Energising Shopping Centre Profits


To streamline operations, introduce efficiencies, energise retail trade and create thriving footfall.

Results (in 12 months):

  • Boosted footfall by +28% (and continued double digit growth for a further 4 years).

  • Increased commercialisation revenue by +48%.

  • Strategically reduced service charge by -20%.

  • Reinvigorated retail and created top performing stores.

  • Delivered a vibrant fully let centre with many tenants renewing leases.

  • 75% of tenants attended quarterly tenant meetings feeling invigorated.

  • Raised over £10,000 for the Alan Shearer Foundation.

  • Empowered a forward-thinking public private sector partnership for growth.

  • Won a number of centre awards, including Shopping Centre Manager of the Year.


One Million Visitors In A Day